The section will perform the following activities:

  1. Interpret Public Service Regulations Standing Orders and other Labour laws.
  2. Facilitate employee relations and welfare including health, safety, sports and culture.
  3. Provide registry, office records, messenger and courier services
  4. Handle protocol Matters.
  5. Facilitate security services, transport and general utility.
  6. Facilitate general custodian services to include maintenance of office equipment’s buildings and grounds.
  7. Coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education.
  8. Implement diversity issues including gender, disability, HIV /AIDS etc. and be the Gender Focal Point.
  9. Coordinate implementation of private sector participation;
  10. Advise on organizational efficiency;
  11. Coordinate implementation of Client Service Charter;
  12. Timely preparation of pension papers;
  13. Maintenance of pension records.
  14. Coordinate Commissioners, management and staff meetings; and
  15. Coordinate workers day.